As our goal is to provide you with high-end showbags made of top quality fabric, we have been working with leading global brands coming from a wide range of industries. Our showbags have can protect but, most importantly, enhance the value of your products.
Constant research in advanced machinery has always allowed us to guarantee the quickest delivery time while maintaining quality and linearity between every single showbag provided.
Customer satisfaction is top priority.
At Sermen, three goals drive our concerted effort towards our main objective of consolidating our leading position: clear focus on quality, consistent investments in design and technology, and the meeting of our customer’s requirements.
Our overall goal is reached also through the introduction of the automatic manufacturing procedure we implemented by leveraging a know-how that matches excellent product quality with guaranteed punctual deliveries. All of our care in the manufacturing processes makes Sermen a leading supplier-partner for anyone wanting the very best for their products.
We are proud of our figures: every month, some 1,000,000 bags are made at each of our two production units. These volumes allow us to meet our current customers’ requirements within guaranteed time scales, and have made the name “Sermen” synonymous with “reliable and efficient partner”.
The added value of Sermen bags is the degree of personalization they offer: you can choose from a wide choice of fabrics, draw-strings, different ribbons and colours. We are constantly updating everything: we’re perfectly in step with all the latest fashions! All these solutions result in a range that has so many variables that every bag is unique unto itself and an expression of personal choices and style.